Monday, July 28, 2014

Soft Landing in Cape Town

Well so far it has been an easy trip. The flights were fine, customs was a non-event. The poor guy had to ask me to take off my glasses 4 times since I had a hard time with his accent. April picked me up at the airport and we managed my ridiculously large and heavy suitcases fine.

Her place is gorgeous with spectacular views of the moody, Table Mountain. She doesn't have wireless but I am managing. I realize how dependent I am on wireless and my small world of my phone. It's different.

Today we did all sorts of errands for my workshops and being with April is fabulous she even know which aisle the ziplock bags are in and where to buy 1000 coin batteries!!  I started to make my kits. I still have to polish my lesson plans but am hoping once I join up with my Teach With Africa crew that the ideas will be more tailored to what people will want.

I can't upload a photo on her machine but perhaps tomorrow on my trusty old Mac.

I am excited for the adventure to begin.

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