Saturday, August 2, 2014

Light Up! was fun especially seeing Zintle

Today we got up really early to drive to Four Corners and Dainfern College which is a gorgeous campus with great people who open up the campus to us with Teach With Africa as well as to the Leap Schools. I attended a great workshop by Pam MacMillan @pam_macmillan who is the high school tech integrator. The iStop motion animations were fabulous and I can't wait to try a site that sets you up with schools in other countries than your own.

My Light Up! and Brushbot workshop wasn't until the last session. I was in the media center and it was great.

 About 12 very motivated teachers did the session. They worked together. Some started with the crafting part of making a light up card; others began with making the LED light up with copper tape and batteries and then decorating.
One high school Leap student was thrilled because she is studying electricity now. She made 3 cards, took back a recording doodad that you can mount on a card as well as lots of coin cell batteries and copper tape. Here's Nigel's first copper tape project.

People worked through the difficulties with great persistence and clever ideas. The brushbots were fine, Nigel made a great one and added one LED lights as eyes. Here is a photo of Zintle who was a TeachWithAfrica teacher at Burkes working next to the high school girl.
Here is a posed sad face then a happy face of a teacher who made a really complicated card with leaves and 2 lights- she is a crafter and maker.
 The videographer said the session reminded him of studying electronics, he gave some good advice to the makers. Here is a fun badge the IT guy at Sparks made.
and finally

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