Friday, August 8, 2014

The last two workshops update

Just arrived in Cape Town after a relaxing morning in Durban. We had a good summit yesterday at Inanda Seminary where Ayanda is intern teaching. It was great to see her. There was a smaller, yet enthusiastic crowd. I connected with several primary school teachers and hope we can do an across the oceans project. I did a less hands on workshop on 21st century assessment and we used Burke's Placemat of 21st century skills to critique lessons.

This is a photo of the Inanda Field Steel Drum band followed by an articulate student who delivered a great welcome speech with a pitch for learning technology in schools.

The day before we drove 3.5 hrs each way to Ladysmith and we presented to a group of administrators from the Coalition of Exceptional Schools. The next day we saw one of the participants who described our presentations as "orgasmic!" Pretty funny. I talked about hands on learning and making.  The place it was held is called "The Barn" so I felt right at home as we have a barn in Ellenville.

The Circuits and brushbot workshop went swimmingly and one woman took a kit home to her daughter who is studying electricity and she made an amazing light up card to take to school.

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